Petitioner's Information:

First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:


Zip Code:

Contact Information:

Cell Phone:
Home Phone:

Email Address:
Retype Email:

Respondent's Information:

First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:


Zip Code:

Marriage Information:

To your knowledge, is your wife currently pregnant? (Select NA if not applicable)

When were you and your spouse married? (MM/DD/YYYY)

Were you and your spouse married in the United States?

Enter the state you were married:
Enter the city you were married:

Does the wife want his/her maiden name restored?

What is their maiden name?

Approximate date of separation? (MM/DD/YYYY)

Have you OR your spouse filed for divorce at the court house?

Is your spouse currently Active Duty in the military?

Are you able to locate your spouse? If not, we can prepare the additional paperwork needed.

Will your spouse sign the paperwork that we prepare for you?
Note: This is also something that requires additional paperwork that we will prepare for you.

Property Section:

Please briefly list any PROPERTY or ASSETS of a large value... that you and your spouse may own. If you own none, please put N/A.

Property will include things of high value like real estate, automobiles, boats, expensive jewelry, etc.

When you type it out... please be as detailed as you can & type it out like the example below:

Husband will get:
1. The house at 123 Anywhere Pl, Tulsa, OK 74105. Both names are on the deed/Wife will sign over.
2. 2011 Ford Taurus vehicle (red). It is in my name only

Wife will get:
1. The house at 2343 S. Mickeymouse Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73046. In Wife's name only.
2. 5 carat diamond engagement ring

Debt Section:

Please briefly list any DEBT of a large value that you and your spouse may own. If you have none, please put N/A.

Debts include credit cards, vehicle loans, mortgages, taxes, hospital bills, etc.

When you type it out... please be as detailed as you can & type it out like the example below:

Husband will pay:
1. The mortgage on the house at 123 Anywhere Pl, Tulsa, OK 74105. Loan is with Bank of America for approx. $88,000. House will be refinanced in his name within 6 months.
2. Car loan on the 2011 Ford Taurus. Loan is with Ford Credit for approx. $12,500

Wife will pay:
1. Sallie Mae Student loans - approx. $50,000
2. Chase Mastercard credit card - approx. $8,000
3. Hospital bills (with collections at KGB Debt Recovery) - approx. $2,400

Financial Section:

Please briefly list any finances down below that you wish to put in your divorce paperwork. This will include accounts such as checking, savings, 401-K, retirement plans, investments, etc.

If you have none, please put N/A.

When you type it out... please be as detailed as you can & type it out like the example below:

Husband will get:
1. 401 K Retirement at Burger King
2. Bank of America Savings Account - approx. $5,000

Wife will get:
1. TD Ameritrade investment account - approx. $75,000
2. Bank of America Checking Account - approx. $2,000


Please list the children in this format: First name, Middle, Last name - DOB: MM/DD/YYYY

Johnny, Quinton, Doe - DOB 02/14/1995
Susie, Sue, Doe - DOB 11/01/1998

Are any of the child(ren) on any type of government program or assistance? ( ex. Soonercare, DHS, Daycare, School Lunch, Etc )
If no, then please put down "None". If yes, please state what program(s) they are on and how much benefits you receive each month:

Which parent(s) will provide health care coverage for child(ren)?

Which parent(s) will provide dental care coverage for child(ren)?

Do you have a previous child support payment established through DHS or court?
How much total monthly child support will be paid for your children and who will be paying it?
If you are unsure, please put "Unsure" and we will call you back & calculate it for you.
Which parents are claiming the child(ren) for taxes?

What kind of visitation schedule do you and your spouse have set for your child(ren)?
Please tell us what days, times, holidays, etc. that the non-primary parent will have the child(ren).
Put 'Unsure' if you don't know yet.

Joint or Sole Custody? ( Specifiy whom for Sole Custody )

Other Information:

How did you find this site?

If we have any questions, what is the best time of day to get a hold of you?

Is there any other information (or questions)... that you would like us to know, pertaining to your divorce?